Human Reiki Treatments offered are thirty, sixty or ninety minutes in duration. Relax and unwind and enjoy nourishing your soul whether receiving
in-person or remotely On-line.
Animal Reiki sessions are carried out remotely On-line or Emily can come to you so your animal can stay relaxed in the comfort of their home.
Contact Emily for up to date prices for all treatments.
Vouchers are also available on request for the perfect gift
Reiki Shares
Enjoy a two hour Reiki share in a safe space with like minded people. Groups are small, supportive and
pre requisite is a minimum of Reiki I from any lineage. Bookings are essential and you have an opportunity to both receive and give the beautiful gift of Reiki to others, Herbal tea and biscuits provided.
Reiki Circles
Reiki circles are on line and a unique opportunity to share energy, space and have a Reiki question and answer session and participate in a guided healing meditation experience.
All services are offered by appointment and payments accepted by paypal or direct debit
Courses And Dates
Usui Reiki Level I In-Person or Live On-line Training
30/03/25 Trentham Neighbourhood House, Vic In Person
Also Upon Individual Request
This is the beginning of Reiki training and is very thorough in its presentation. It includes the history of Reiki, Japanese Reiki Techniques and Usui Reiki Level One Attunement.
On completion of the one day course you will receive a Usui Reiki Level I Manual and Certificate and able to give Reiki treatments to yourself and your family. The course involves teaching time, demonstration and practice time.
Usui Reiki Level II In-Person or Live On-line Training
Upon Individual Request
This is a progression of Reiki training and on completion of this full one day course allows you to become a
Reiki II Practitioner if you wish! You will learn how to draw and activate Reiki II Usui symbols and learn their use. You will receive the Usui Reiki Level Two Attunement which will empower the symbols. You will also learn the tools how to send Reiki distantly and receive beautiful meditations.
You will receive a Usui Reiki Level II Manual, Certificate and able to give Reiki treatments to yourself, friends and family in-person or remotely and become a Reiki II Practitioner. The course involves teaching time, demonstration and practice time. Pre requisite Usui Level I.
Usui Reiki Level I/II Combined Training In Person
06/02/25 to 07/02/25
9.00 AM - 4.00 PM AEST
Hervey Bay, Qld
05/07/25 to 06/07/25
9.00 AM - 4.00 PM UK Time
Heywood Manor House, UK
This two day class combines Reiki Level I & II for the perfect weekend Retreat. You will learn about the history of Reiki, tools and Japanese techniques, You will receive your Usui Level I and Level II attunements, learn how to draw and activate Reiki II Usui symbols, learn how to send Reiki distantly and receive beautiful meditations during the class. You will receive a Usui Reiki I and Usui Reiki II Manual, Certificates for each level and become a Reiki Practitioner! The course involves teaching time, demonstration and practice time.
Reiki I/II Holy Fire III In Person Training
01/03/25 to 02/03/25
9.00 AM to 4.00 PM AEST
Hervey Bay, Qld
This two day class includes both Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki I and II combined in one retreat. For those wanting to kickstart their Reiki journey in one hit then this is for you! Receive the Holy Fire I and II Placements which will empower the symbols with greater effectiveness and energy.
You will learn how to draw and activate Reiki II Usui symbols, learn the tools to send Reiki distantly and receive beautiful meditations and Healing Experiences.
You will receive the ICRT Reiki The Healing Touch First and Second Degree Manual and Certificates on completion. A divine experience that you will never forget.
Usui/ Holy Fire III Reiki Master In Person Training (One to one available upon request)
9.00 AM - 4 PM AEST
Hervey Bay, Qld
This three day class and training also includes the new upgraded Holy Fire III World Peace Reiki energy. It will allow you to teach Reiki classes online and in-person and to initiate students into levels of Reiki up to and including the master level. The Usui and Holy Fire master symbols are included along with the Holy Love meditation experience, the River of Peace, additional techniques, tools and the Reiki Grid. All placements and ignitions are explained and demonstrated so the student can be confident of their use. Perfect for those wanting to seriously further their spiritual growth or teach.
On completion of the course students will receive a ICRT Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master Manual and Certificate.
ICRT Animal Reiki I/II In Person & Live On Line Training
1/02/25 to 2/02/25 9.00AM - 4.00 PM AEST In Person
15/02/25 to 16/02/25 9.00AM - 4.00PM AEST Live On Line
14/03/25 to 15/03/25 9.00AM - 4.00PM AEST Live on Line
11/04/25 to12/04/25 9.00AM - 4.00PM AEST In Person & Live On Line
9/05/25 to 10/05/25 9.00AM - 4.00PM AEST In Person & Live On Line
This two day Live On Line class includes two Animal Reiki Placements and the Divine Animal Kingdom Reiki symbol. The energy, tools and techniques given in class allow you to give Reiki to all species of animals on a whole new higher frequency. Be prepared for much own self healing and a decrease in your healing session times, an increase in the comfort and trust levels of all animal species wild or domesticated. Watch your connection with animals and your own pets deepen in ways you did not think possible!
You will receive the ICRT Animal Reiki I & II Digital Manual and Certificate on completion of the course.
Pre Requisite Level I and II Reiki.
Animal Reiki Masters In Person Training
21/03/25 to 23/03/25
9.00 AM - 4.00 PM AEST
Hervey Bay, Qld
This three day workshop will allow you to teach ICRT Animal Reiki Level I & II and Masters classes online and in person. The pre requisite to taking this class, is that you must have taken Reiki Level I & II and Masters from any lineage for humans and ICRT Animal Reiki Level I & II. This Master class will give you the Animal Reiki symbol and unique animal frequency energy and unify it with your existing Master symbols. It will also give you the tools and techniques to practice, share Reiki with all animal species and teach ICRT Animal Reiki with expertise.
This Master class includes four ignitions (attunements), The Tree of life Experience and the Whole Body Listening Experience. You will learn additional practitioner and Animal Reiki healing tools, including giving placements to both animals and students for Animal Reiki I & II and four ignitions for Animal Reiki Master.
Learn how to conduct the Experiences and Invocations.
You will receive the ICRT Animal Reiki Master Manual and Master certification on completion of the course.